There seems to be an upset at the hive, where bees are demanding workers' rights.

But the Queen doesn't see it their way. What will unfold?

Tips and Tricks:

- You can launch as many bees as you want; get technical!
- The sides of the paddle can help you angle your shots
- Try rebounding bees off one another for maximized speed and chaos!

Programmers: Westin Montano, Niko Udria, Braxton Mott

Sound Designer: Connor Ellis

Artist: Ruth Sun

Authorswesm, NikOhNoo, sunner
Made withUnity


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Love it!

veri god gam


Has more game play, less bugs, and is polished better than most AAA games while still being in early access. I would pay $40 for this game, keep up the good work devs! My life is consumed by this game. I don't remember the last time a game kept me up late, couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking what I would do the next day, and get all my irl s*** done for the day so I have plenty of time to play later on! I wish I could hug you and thank you in person for giving me back my love of video games, which has been gone for some time!!!


epic gaming, play it rn or ur cringe